Funky and Fun @ Byron View Farm

Emma and James are 2 of the loveliest people you’ll ever meet, with fabulously fun personalities, I knew their ceremony was going to be wonderful, light hearted and fun, and their celebration afterwards …a little wild!

Meeting for the first time in a night club.  Emma spotted James and admits that it was love at first sight.  He seemed cool, calm and easy going, and she though his glasses were super cute…. but she was to shy to approach and say hello.  Luckily her friend struck up a conversation and once chatting, they realised they had lots in common, both studying property. James was attracted to Emma’s beauty… he found her polite and shy, but really funny.  They met up with each other on and off for a year as friends, usually in Night Clubs having fun (as you do)

Then one day James had an epiphany that it was time he had a girlfriend (Emma had been patiently waiting for this moment), he moved to Brisbane to focus on his career and took Emma on a real date. Fast-forward many special moments.. to when James finally said I love you .. (again Emma would have said it much earlier but as a bit of a traditionalist she waited for him to say it first) .. it was when emotions were running high for them both after seeing Angus and Julia Stone in concert.

Together for almost 10 years now .. they have achieved so much! .. from graduating uni, getting crappy adult jobs, numerous holidays, birthday milestones, share houses, dealing with death, buying their own homes, renovation projects, and moving houses 7 times. Now living in their dream home, which they worked super hard for.. they really look forward to the next stage of their love story.

Their guests enjoyed a sublime outdoor dining experience up at the stunning Byron View Farm, and the party was clearly a ripper.

All in all, this was a classic relaxed yet very stylish Byron Wedding.

Masterfully captured by the wonderful Joseph Willis

Awesome Musical vibes by Lily Budiasa Music

Florals Bower Botanicals


Gust transport

Furniture and Styling
